Willow's Giving Back program for registered Canadian charities
Apply for a donation of services to your charity*
We are so grateful for all the support we've had from our loyal clients for nearly 65 years and we like to pay it forward! And that's why we created the Giving Back program.
Our Giving Back program is available to registered Canadian charities that apply for a little help on specific print projects. We'll donate a minimum $500 in print or print and mail services, excluding postage. There is no minimum order size required to qualify for the donation; it can be $500 or even less.
If you work for a registered Canadian charity or have a favourite charity you know could benefit from our Giving Back initiative, simply fill out the form on this page. Even if you are not part of a charitable organization, you can nominate one that needs a helping hand from Willow.
It's simple. Here is how it works:
- Fill out the form to submit your application or on behalf of a charity to apply for a $500 (minimum) donation of print and mail services*.
- Describe the project you are seeking a donation for in the appropriate box to the best of your ability.
- We will email the contact person named in the form if your organization is selected.
We're sorry, but it's possible that not all applications submitted will be awarded a donation. Good Luck!
*Postage not included.
Apply now: it's easy!
Fill out the form below to apply for a $500 (minimum) donation for print and mail services for a specific project, whether it's for the charity you work for or on behalf of your favourite charity.
Please include the details of the print/mail project for which you are applying to receive a donation of services.