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TELL ME YOUR STORYMeet Kindra Hall, Storytelling Expert
In her e-book, Kindra writes: "As a prolific teller of personal tales, I am often asked where I find my stories. At first I was confused by this question; I thought it was pretty obvious – my stories are from my life. Over time I realized that’s not what was being asked; they weren’t asking me where I found my stories, they were asking me how I found them. What strategies did I use to access such tiny fragments of life – fragments that were so real and so endearing, yet so easily forgettable? How did I find seemingly small moments and turn them into more? It’s a good question. And there’s a good answer..." She goes on to identify three traps storyteller novices often fall into:
Mistake #1: Using a story that’s been told before. Her advice in crafting a great story... Her tips include thinking about firsts and best friends, and taking a photo journey, among many, many others. She also includes a before and after storytelling makeover, which is quite compelling. In a world of websites that waste your time, we found Kindra Hall's to be one of original thinking and worth the time. Visit hers at