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Often-Overlooked Rules of Grammar
Hyphen vs. dash. Hyphen
En Dash
Em Dash
Avoid underlines
Its vs. It's It's is a contraction, a combination of the pronoun it and either the verb is or has. Examples of contractions: He'd and they're. Use its, without the apostrophe, to refer to a possessive, like hers or his. Though most possessives (Jimmy's, for example) use an apostrophe, its does not.
Quotes vs. inch marks
[Brackets] vs. (parentheses) Use parentheses (the marks surrounding this) as a way to provide an additional or alternative explanation of the subject at hand: The record low for July 9 was 60° (15°C). Acronyms are good examples of when to use parentheses: Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
Spell out numbers under 11
Colons and semi-colons
Avoid double spacing