in Marketing
GLOBAL TO PERSONALThe Stuff That Matters
We have dating sites and social networks that cut through all the preliminary awkwardness that comes with a new courtship and practically rushes us to the alter. If we are not careful, we may just find ourselves attending parties remotely, having dinner dates online, and sending an Instagram as our marriage proposal. The fact is that technology is great, but the science will never replace the art. We would contend that the world of marketing is coming full-circle and that more personal engagement is in high demand. We believe that people buy from people and that going deeper with your clients is critical. According to a Forbes article by Avi Dan, founder of consulting firm AVIDAN STRATEGIES, "Marketing will shift from globalization to personalization. The world is more connected because of technology these days, but marketing is becoming more regionalized and more localized, even more individualized, as consumers resist homogenization. Personalization is not a trend. It is a marketing tsunami, here to stay, which will transform how we think about and how we manage global brands. Companies will decentralize their structure and increase regional and local influence." So, while most marketers find themselves slaving away to measure every interaction and interpret it’s meaning, the most diligent will work even harder to become a sincere and trusted part of their clients’ lives. The best marketers realize that the awkwardness and discomfort that lies within the forming of a relationship is the best stuff. That is the stuff that matters.